Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Displays, Door #2


And here's Door #2 (shall we say!), I wanted to share with you the displays from my vignette that I did for Halloween!  I know, there's so much to share and my blog inspiration girls keep telling me to spread it out - so I'm a little late in the timing!  I'm trying to keep to a new format, and keep my posts short enough that you will read them and come back for more!  My old ways were too share everything all at once and then have nothing for days ...  So I hope you don't mind and you will still enjoy my Halloween cuteness!

A side view of the contents of the Suitcase Vignette
My Halloween Tag Banner - this was so much fun to make!
Sampling of the Cards and some of the treat containers!
From the corner, one side of the displays on my dining room table
looking into my Classroom Studio (aka, formal living room)
Well there ya have it!!  Let me know if you want any close ups!!  There's actually a LOT packed into this vignette!  I have curvy keepsake boxes, fry boxes and fry boxes with lids, cards, gift card ensemble and I think I already shared the striped halloween treat bag with the Bags post!

Happy belated Halloween!

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