I know, I know ... where have I been? What's up?
To briefly catch you up - I started a full time job in November working in a doctors office. It has been a good thing for me to be back out in the working world, seeing lots of people every day and knowing that I am helping a dear friend start her new practice. It has also been a big adjustment as I have been a "work when I want to" kind of gal/mom for the last 15 years since I quit the corporate world to stay home and raise our girls.
I allowed myself to direct my time to do what I needed to do for me --- to adjust to my new empty nest, to my health that I had been putting on the back burner, and to also evaluate the changes that SU! implemented that impact my team and my personal business. I did slow down and have held our large group events and I will be picking up my personal class schedule again. I hope to see and hear from you and to begin sharing again!
So with all that said, I want to invite you to our FALL FEST event, currently in the last week for registration to our Sep 24th all day stamping event! We host 2 large events a year here in Phoenix/Tempe/Mesa Arizona area that feature an all day stamping session featuring of course Stampin' Up! products! Please email me at " rhonda@inkinallnight.com " and I will send you the invitation or you can check out my INKin' All Night! facebook business page too or our AZ INKers events facebook page as well! You can click on the photo below to see our event flyer.
Thanks to anyone still out there checking in on my blog!! Leave me a comment to know you're here and maybe I'll do a random drawing for my readers!! ;)